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Итоговая декларация саммита на анг языке События
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Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe  Summit   Astana 2010  
Chairmanship: Kazakhstan

1.  We, the Heads of State or Government of the 56 participating States of the OSCE,
have assembled in Astana, eleven years after the last OSCE Summit in Istanbul, to recommit
ourselves to the vision of a free, democratic, common and indivisible Euro-Atlantic and
Eurasian security community stretching from Vancouver to Vladivostok, rooted in agreed
principles, shared commitments and common goals. As we mark the 35th
 anniversary of the
Helsinki Final Act and the 20th
 anniversary of the Charter of Paris for a New Europe, we
reaffirm the relevance of, and our commitment to, the principles on which this Organization
is based. While we have made much progress, we also acknowledge that more must be done
to ensure full respect for, and implementation of, these core principles and commitments that
we have undertaken in the politico-military dimension, the economic and environmental
dimension, and the human dimension, notably in the areas of human rights and fundamental
2.  We reaffirm our full adherence to the Charter of the United Nations and to all OSCE
norms, principles and commitments, starting from the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of
Paris, the Charter for European Security and all other OSCE documents to which we have
agreed, and our responsibility to implement them fully and in good faith. We reiterate our
commitment to the concept, initiated in the Final Act, of comprehensive, co-operative, equal
and indivisible security, which relates the maintenance of peace to the respect for human
rights and fundamental freedoms, and links economic and environmental co-operation with
peaceful inter-State relations.
3.  The security of each participating State is inseparably linked to that of all others. Each
participating State has an equal right to security. We reaffirm the inherent right of each and
every participating State to be free to choose or change its security arrangements, including
treaties of alliance, as they evolve. Each State also has the right to neutrality. Each
participating State will respect the rights of all others in these regards. They will not
strengthen their security at the expense of the security of other States. Within the OSCE no
State, group of States or organization can have any pre-eminent responsibility for maintaining
peace and stability in the OSCE area or can consider any part of the OSCE area as its sphere
of influence. We will maintain only those military capabilities that are commensurate with
our legitimate individual or collective security needs, taking into account obligations under
international law, as well as the legitimate security concerns of other States. We further
reaffirm that all OSCE principles and commitments, without exception, apply equally to each
participating State, and we emphasize that we are accountable to our citizens and responsible   - 2 -   
to each other for their full implementation. We regard these commitments as our common
achievement, and therefore consider them to be matters of immediate and legitimate concern
to all participating States.
4.  These norms, principles and commitments have enabled us to make progress in
putting old confrontations behind us and in moving us closer to democracy, peace and unity
throughout the OSCE area. They must continue to guide us in the 21st
 century as we work
together to make the ambitious vision of Helsinki and Paris a reality for all our peoples.
These and all other OSCE documents establish clear standards for the participating States in
their treatment of each other and of all individuals within their territories. Resolved to build
further upon this strong foundation, we reaffirm our commitment to strengthen security, trust
and good-neighbourly relations among our States and peoples. In this respect we are
convinced that the role of the OSCE remains crucial, and should be further enhanced. We
will further work towards strengthening the OSCE’s effectiveness and efficiency.
5.  We recognize that the OSCE, as the most inclusive and comprehensive regional
security organization in the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian area, continues to provide a unique
forum, operating on the basis of consensus and the sovereign equality of States, for
promoting open dialogue, preventing and settling conflicts, building mutual understanding
and fostering co-operation. We stress the importance of the work carried out by the OSCE
Secretariat, High Commissioner on National Minorities, Office for Democratic Institutions
and Human Rights and Representative on Freedom of the Media, as well as the OSCE field
operations, in accordance with their respective mandates, in assisting participating States with
implementing their OSCE commitments. We are determined to intensify co-operation with
the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, and encourage its efforts to promote security,
democracy, and prosperity throughout the OSCE area and within participating States and to
increase confidence among participating States. We also acknowledge the Organization’s
significant role in establishing effective confidence- and security-building measures. We
reaffirm our commitment to their full implementation and our determination to ensure that
they continue to make a substantial contribution to our common and indivisible security.
6.  The OSCE’s comprehensive and co-operative approach to security, which addresses
the human, economic and environmental, political and military dimensions of security as an
integral whole, remains indispensable. Convinced that the inherent dignity of the individual is
at the core of comprehensive security, we reiterate that human rights and fundamental
freedoms are inalienable, and that their protection and promotion is our first responsibility.
We reaffirm categorically and irrevocably that the commitments undertaken in the field of the
human dimension are matters of direct and legitimate concern to all participating States and
do not belong exclusively to the internal affairs of the State concerned. We value the
important role played by civil society and free media in helping us to ensure full respect for
human rights, fundamental freedoms, democracy, including free and fair elections, and the
rule of law.
7.   Serious threats and challenges remain. Mistrust and divergent security perceptions
must be overcome. Our commitments in the politico-military, economic and environmental,
and human dimensions need to be fully implemented. Respect for human rights, fundamental
freedoms, democracy and the rule of law must be safeguarded and strengthened. Greater
efforts must be made to promote freedom of religion or belief and to combat intolerance and
discrimination. Mutually beneficial co-operation aimed at addressing the impact on our
region’s security of economic and environmental challenges must be further developed. Our   - 3 -   
energy security dialogue, including on agreed principles of our co-operation, must be
enhanced. Increased efforts should be made to resolve existing conflicts in the OSCE area in
a peaceful and negotiated manner, within agreed formats, fully respecting the norms and
principles of international law enshrined in the United Nations Charter, as well as the
Helsinki Final Act. New crises must be prevented. We pledge to refrain from the threat or use
of force in any manner inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the
United Nations or with the ten Principles of the Helsinki Final Act.  
8.  Conventional arms control and confidence- and security-building regimes remain
major instruments for ensuring military stability, predictability and transparency, and should
be revitalized, updated and modernized. We value the work of the Forum for Security Co-
operation, and look forward to the updating of the Vienna Document 1999.  We value the
CFE Treaty’s contribution to the creation of a stable and predictable environment for all
OSCE participating States. We note that the CFE Treaty is not being implemented to its full
capacity and the Agreement on Adaptation of the CFE Treaty (ACFE) has not entered into
force. Recognizing intensified efforts to overcome the current impasse, we express our
support for the ongoing consultations aiming at opening the way for negotiations in 2011.
9.  At the same time, in today’s complex and inter-connected world, we must achieve
greater unity of purpose and action in facing emerging transnational threats, such as
terrorism, organized crime, illegal migration, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction,
cyber threats and the illicit trafficking in small arms and light weapons, drugs and human
beings. Such threats can originate within or outside our region.
10.  We recognize that the security of the OSCE area is inextricably linked to that of
adjacent areas, notably in the Mediterranean and in Asia. We must therefore enhance the
level of our interaction with our Partners for Co-operation. In particular, we underscore the
need to contribute effectively, based on the capacity and national interest of each
participating State, to collective international efforts to promote a stable, independent,
prosperous and democratic Afghanistan.
11.  We welcome initiatives aimed at strengthening European security. Our security
dialogue, enhanced by the Corfu Process, has helped to sharpen our focus on these and other
challenges we face in all three dimensions. The time has now come to act, and we must
define concrete and tangible goals in addressing these challenges. We are determined to work
together to fully realize the vision of a comprehensive, co-operative and indivisible security
community throughout our shared OSCE area. This security community should be aimed at
meeting the challenges of the 21st century and based on our full adherence to common OSCE
norms, principles and commitments across all three dimensions. It should unite all OSCE
participating States across the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian region, free of dividing lines,
conflicts, spheres of influence and zones with different levels of security. We will work to
ensure that co-operation among our States, and among the relevant organizations and
institutions of which they are members, will be guided by the principles of equality,
partnership co-operation, inclusiveness and transparency. Drawing strength from our
diversity, we resolve to achieve this overarching goal through sustained determination and
common effort, acting within the OSCE and in other formats.  
12.  To this end, we task the incoming Chairmanship-in-Office with organizing a follow-
up process within existing formats, taking into consideration ideas and proposals put forward
by the participating States, including in the framework of the Corfu Process and in the 
 - 4 -

preparation of the Astana Summit, and pledge to do all we can to assist the incoming
Chairmanships- in-Office in developing a concrete action plan based on the work done by the
Kazakhstan Chairmanship. Progress achieved will be reviewed at the next OSCE Ministerial
Council meeting in Vilnius on 6 to 7 December 2011.
13.   We express our deep gratitude to Kazakhstan for hosting our meeting, and for the
energy and vitality the country has brought to the challenging task of chairing the OSCE in
2010.  We welcome Lithuania’s Chairmanship of the Organization in 2011, Ireland’s in 2012
and Ukraine’s in 2013.


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